勾玉 ゴールデンルチルクォーツ 約37mm

勾玉 ゴールデンルチルクォーツ 約37mm
なら 手数料無料で 月々¥7,330から
この勾玉は、あなたの内なる力を引き出し、ポジティブなエネルギーを持続させる手助けをします。心の平安を保ちながら、日々の生活に彩りを添えてくれる、特別な存在です。 身に着けることで、実際にそのエネルギーを感じることができ、あなたの運を開くお守りとしてもご利用いただけます。ぜひ、この機会に美しさと力を兼ね備えたゴールデンルチルクォーツの勾玉をお手元に。
Size: about 37mm
It is a magatama made of golden rutile quartz characterized by a beautiful shine.
This special magatama is elegantly included in the inside of the crystal with a golden needle, and each of them is noble and powerful.
Golden rutile quartz is known as a symbol of abundance and prosperity, and is said to bring good luck to those who wear it. Its glow will give the owner confidence and hope as if it were bathed in sunlight.
This magama will bring out your inner power and help you sustain your positive energy. It is a special existence that adds color to your daily life while maintaining peace of mind. By wearing it, you can actually feel the energy, and it can also be used as a talisman to open your luck. Please take this opportunity to have a golden rutile quartz magatama that combines beauty and power.
この勾玉は、あなたの内なる力を引き出し、ポジティブなエネルギーを持続させる手助けをします。心の平安を保ちながら、日々の生活に彩りを添えてくれる、特別な存在です。 身に着けることで、実際にそのエネルギーを感じることができ、あなたの運を開くお守りとしてもご利用いただけます。ぜひ、この機会に美しさと力を兼ね備えたゴールデンルチルクォーツの勾玉をお手元に。
Size: about 37mm
It is a magatama made of golden rutile quartz characterized by a beautiful shine.
This special magatama is elegantly included in the inside of the crystal with a golden needle, and each of them is noble and powerful.
Golden rutile quartz is known as a symbol of abundance and prosperity, and is said to bring good luck to those who wear it. Its glow will give the owner confidence and hope as if it were bathed in sunlight.
This magama will bring out your inner power and help you sustain your positive energy. It is a special existence that adds color to your daily life while maintaining peace of mind. By wearing it, you can actually feel the energy, and it can also be used as a talisman to open your luck. Please take this opportunity to have a golden rutile quartz magatama that combines beauty and power.