ミラクルツールワイヤーワークジュエリー モルダバイト+ラリマー+カイヤナイト+ Miracle Tool Wirework Jewelry Message from Angels Kyanite + Arizona Turquoise + Hematite

ミラクルツールワイヤーワークジュエリー モルダバイト+ラリマー+カイヤナイト+ Miracle Tool Wirework Jewelry Message from Angels Kyanite + Arizona Turquoise + Hematite
なら 手数料無料で 月々¥11,000から
ペンダントトップサイズ 約120mm
モルダバイト 6mm,
ラリマー 5mm.6mm,
Pendant top size about 120mm
Use natural
Moldabyte 6mm,
Larimer 5mm.6mm,
Kayanite 6mm,
It is a combination of Mordabite, a gift from the universe, Lalimar, which symbolizes the sea, the balance stone Kayanite, and the apatite that conveys and expresses.
This pendant top, which is lined up straight, seems to lead to the connection between the earth, the universe, and the higher self.
Pendant top size about 96mm
Use natural
Brazilian Kayanite
Turquoise from Arizona
Crystal feather carving
Kyanite, which means balance, Arizona turquoise with beautiful sky blue, and miracle tool wirework jewelry with crystal feathers. This pendant is a special item that receives messages from angels and supports you to make your wishes come true.
Kyanite means balance and is said to bring harmony between mind and body. Arizona turquoise sky blue is said to have pure energy and bring good luck and good luck. And the crystal feathers symbolize protection and guidance from angels.
Wearing this pendant will bring a powerful change in your life. It is a special existence that helps you make your true wishes and dreams come true while feeling the power from angels.
※Wirework jewelry is delicately made, so please be careful when handling it.
ミラクルツールユニバーサルマインドジュエリー 豊代冨実恵
「通信機(受信機も送信機も)各デバイス(石)との間にコイル(エナメル線やホルマル線)を配置しますが、それは石同士が扱う信号の種類が異なるため、そのインターフェイスというか、通訳的に介在します。 クリスタル(水晶)は取り扱う周波数などの確度を司り交信の安定に寄与します..。」
Sensitivity 感度
Selectivity 選択度
Stability 安定度
「それらは、お互いに、あちらを立てればこちらが立たない...、いわばトレードオフの関係にあって、奥が深いのです。 その趣味を持った者は、そのジレンマに苦しんで、楽しんでしまいます。」
先日、来店されたクアイアントさまも、リーディング中にイシスのカードが出て、その方は普段からイシスと縁を感じていて大好きだというので、 リーディングが終わった後に、ジュエリーをお見せしたところ、心が震え涙が込み上げてくるご様子で、それから静かにジュエリーを通してイシスと会話されていました。
Crystal crystal ring: Crystal from Omi Village, Nagano Prefecture
Crystal raw stone size: about 24 x 8mm
Ring size: 8.5
A new miracle tool wirework jewelry that is said to bring amazing luck, a ring that brings good luck, has appeared. This ring is a crystal point produced in Omi Village, Nagano Prefecture, and the crystal structure is Matsutake crystal and double-terminated crystal. The sense of clarity is also high and I feel the height of the vibration. This is very rare, and we use domestic crystals that are difficult to get in the future.
Crystals have long been believed to bring good luck, and its power is said to be almighty. This ring is a gem that combines its ancient wisdom and the latest wirework technology. Wearing it may attract good luck and success.
Please get this precious source of good luck and bring brilliance and happiness to your life.
※We use natural crystals. Please be careful when handling it.
Miracle Tool Universal Mind Jewelry Toyoshiro Tomie
I decided to create a new jewelry brand after receiving a message during a Universal Mind workshop one day.
It's possible that I would have left it alone if I had been alone, but because it was a workshop, I feel like I was able to make a decision and something started to move.
I am grateful for all the guidance.
The name of the jewelry brand has also been decided as "Universal Mind Jewelry".
Connecting with the universe... The smile of the person who wears it...
Opening a circuit that connects to your universal mind... Jewelry...
It's been several months since then, and I've been repeatedly making prototypes, making images that come to me, and doing other things, and I can't keep up... Thank you for your support.
After announcing Universal Mind Jewelry, I received messages like, "It's nice, it looks like an electronic circuit."
"A communication device-like O part? It feels mysterious..."
"Stones and coils... X'tal... I feel like I can really make something..."
X'tal is a notation for crystal in electronic circuits.
In the field of electronics, wires can be bifilar or trifilar.
"A coil (enameled wire or formal wire) is placed between each device (stone) of the communication device (both receiver and transmitter), but since the stones handle different types of signals, it acts as an interface or interpreter. The crystal (quartz) controls the accuracy of the frequency handled and contributes to the stability of communication..."
I was told.
I don't know anything about electronics, but Universal Mind Jewelry includes concepts such as "connecting with the universe" and "connecting with the Universal Mind," so the idea of a communication device is very suitable.
I just create the images that come to me through trial and error, but maybe I'm not completely wrong? ! I'm happy...♪
From now on, I can create "communication devices that can send and receive" more consciously and intentionally (laughs)
Ferrite beads...
In electronic circuits, for various reasons, the desired operation can be achieved by winding or passing a line through a magnetic material such as ferrite instead of a coil.
"That technique is implemented as a matter of course in Universal Mind Jewelry! Amazing!!"
I also received a message.
I didn't know it was a substitute for ferrite beads! I'm glad it's not just a decoration, so let's call it that (lol)
It's really interesting♪
The 3S of the receiver...
"They are in a trade-off relationship, so if you make one, you can't make the other... it's a deep relationship. Those who have this hobby suffer from this dilemma and enjoy it."
Yeah, yeah. I kind of get it.
If a human is too sensitive, it seems like it will be a hassle because it will flutter around, and if a stone is too sensitive, it will pop off with a bang.
It's like searching for the best balance. I guess so.
It's interesting that we have empathy and common ground even though we're talking about completely different fields.
It's been very nice and interesting to exchange messages.
Thank you.
Selecting stones...
For some reason, the only phrase that stuck in my mind was "a better stone."
I often use these words, but what is a "better stone"?
A more beautiful stone. A rarer stone. A more expensive stone. A stone with more power...Everyone has their own values.
I'm not a mineralogist or a jeweler, so as a crystal master and spiritual jewelry creator, I'm interested in what these beautiful and unique stones in front of me do, what kind of tool they can be...Can they help someone? That's what interests me.
So I hope to continue selecting stones that seem to have magic and combining them in a way that will make magic happen, and to help bring a smile to the faces of those who wear them.
Mothership and reconnaissance plane...
It was the first time that these keywords had come to mind while making jewelry.
There's nothing you can do about what comes to mind (laughs).
When I say mothership and spy plane, I mean it in the same way, but it's like they're one collective entity, but each has their own individual role to play separately.
Perhaps the Universal Mind is like that too.
When Universal Mind Jewelry arrives at your place, it will spy on and protect you from the inside and outside with love and light.
It will dissolve unnecessary energy, such as old emotions and psychic attacks, with love and protect your own light.
It will also help you bring down the energy and messages you need.
It also acts as a communicator, so it's good at connecting you to something you want.
And everything, everyone is a part of the Mothership, the Universal Mind.
... That's the image that comes to mind.
I've had a lot of "feelings" up until now.
But I'm not good at explaining things, so I wasn't the kind of person who would talk about my "feelings" much, thinking, "It's fine if those who understand understand."
It may still be that way now.
But when I speak my feelings, I often feel something connecting, and I realize the importance of speaking my feelings.
I'd like to continue searching for the best balance.
About Universal Mind...
In 2013, when I was thinking of a name for this new online shop, I named it "Universal Mind."
Even though I named it myself, I'm an unconscious, intuitive type, so it's difficult to explain.
"Cosmic consciousness," "universal consciousness," "free mind"... I think it can be interpreted in many different ways.
I think it has something in common with the universe and the Akashic Records.
When I think about "Universal Mind," I feel that it's important for love to flow at the root.
Whether it's the consciousness that permeates the universe or the information in the Akashic Records, it can't be of any use to others unless you use it consciously and with love.
The words "I am you. You are me" come to mind.
It's like a collective. To put it simply, I feel that love and compassion are connected to the Universal Mind.
Someone once asked me, "Is the Universal Mind an attempt to access the heart from every angle, like a universal joint?"
"Accessing the heart from every angle" sounds cool. I agree. (laughs)
I think that each of the ways you feel is correct.
And I think it's a good name that can be interpreted in many different ways. (laughs)
Some people feel the goddess Isis in some of the Universal Mind jewelry.
The other day, a Quaianto came to our store and during a reading, an Isis card came out. He said that he feels a connection with Isis and loves her, so after the reading, I showed him the jewelry. His heart trembled and tears welled up, and then he quietly talked to Isis through the jewelry.
"Here in this resides the energy of Isis as a guide... This stone here protects it... This is truly Isis... All the good fortune of Isis will be bestowed upon the person who wears this jewelry..." and so on.
You came to get my reading, but in the end it seemed like I was getting a jewelry reading (lol) I'm sorry (lol).
I was interested, happy and enjoyed listening to it, saying "Wow, wow..." Thank you.
I just give shape to what comes to me, but it makes me very happy to be able to feel something in this way.
You are free to feel whatever you want.
Whether it's good or bad, it's something that is being drawn out of you.
So I think it's the truth within you.
I'm looking forward to seeing what else will come to me in the future.
About wirework jewelry...
My original, self-taught wirework is created with the support of angels, readings, and intuition, and is not only beautiful, but has a long track record and fans as spiritual jewelry that can be used as a supportive tool.
I use different wire thicknesses and pay close attention to strength when creating my jewelry, but wire accessories are prone to snagging, are weak to pressure, and can break if subjected to strong force, so please handle with care.
Depending on the type of wire, discoloration and rust may occur over the years of use. Please feel free to contact me for repairs or remakes.
I am grateful for all of our connections.
モルダバイト 6mm,
ラリマー 5mm.6mm,
Pendant top size about 120mm
Use natural
Moldabyte 6mm,
Larimer 5mm.6mm,
Kayanite 6mm,
It is a combination of Mordabite, a gift from the universe, Lalimar, which symbolizes the sea, the balance stone Kayanite, and the apatite that conveys and expresses.
This pendant top, which is lined up straight, seems to lead to the connection between the earth, the universe, and the higher self.
Pendant top size about 96mm
Use natural
Brazilian Kayanite
Turquoise from Arizona
Crystal feather carving
Kyanite, which means balance, Arizona turquoise with beautiful sky blue, and miracle tool wirework jewelry with crystal feathers. This pendant is a special item that receives messages from angels and supports you to make your wishes come true.
Kyanite means balance and is said to bring harmony between mind and body. Arizona turquoise sky blue is said to have pure energy and bring good luck and good luck. And the crystal feathers symbolize protection and guidance from angels.
Wearing this pendant will bring a powerful change in your life. It is a special existence that helps you make your true wishes and dreams come true while feeling the power from angels.
※Wirework jewelry is delicately made, so please be careful when handling it.
ミラクルツールユニバーサルマインドジュエリー 豊代冨実恵
「通信機(受信機も送信機も)各デバイス(石)との間にコイル(エナメル線やホルマル線)を配置しますが、それは石同士が扱う信号の種類が異なるため、そのインターフェイスというか、通訳的に介在します。 クリスタル(水晶)は取り扱う周波数などの確度を司り交信の安定に寄与します..。」
Sensitivity 感度
Selectivity 選択度
Stability 安定度
「それらは、お互いに、あちらを立てればこちらが立たない...、いわばトレードオフの関係にあって、奥が深いのです。 その趣味を持った者は、そのジレンマに苦しんで、楽しんでしまいます。」
先日、来店されたクアイアントさまも、リーディング中にイシスのカードが出て、その方は普段からイシスと縁を感じていて大好きだというので、 リーディングが終わった後に、ジュエリーをお見せしたところ、心が震え涙が込み上げてくるご様子で、それから静かにジュエリーを通してイシスと会話されていました。
Crystal crystal ring: Crystal from Omi Village, Nagano Prefecture
Crystal raw stone size: about 24 x 8mm
Ring size: 8.5
A new miracle tool wirework jewelry that is said to bring amazing luck, a ring that brings good luck, has appeared. This ring is a crystal point produced in Omi Village, Nagano Prefecture, and the crystal structure is Matsutake crystal and double-terminated crystal. The sense of clarity is also high and I feel the height of the vibration. This is very rare, and we use domestic crystals that are difficult to get in the future.
Crystals have long been believed to bring good luck, and its power is said to be almighty. This ring is a gem that combines its ancient wisdom and the latest wirework technology. Wearing it may attract good luck and success.
Please get this precious source of good luck and bring brilliance and happiness to your life.
※We use natural crystals. Please be careful when handling it.
Miracle Tool Universal Mind Jewelry Toyoshiro Tomie
I decided to create a new jewelry brand after receiving a message during a Universal Mind workshop one day.
It's possible that I would have left it alone if I had been alone, but because it was a workshop, I feel like I was able to make a decision and something started to move.
I am grateful for all the guidance.
The name of the jewelry brand has also been decided as "Universal Mind Jewelry".
Connecting with the universe... The smile of the person who wears it...
Opening a circuit that connects to your universal mind... Jewelry...
It's been several months since then, and I've been repeatedly making prototypes, making images that come to me, and doing other things, and I can't keep up... Thank you for your support.
After announcing Universal Mind Jewelry, I received messages like, "It's nice, it looks like an electronic circuit."
"A communication device-like O part? It feels mysterious..."
"Stones and coils... X'tal... I feel like I can really make something..."
X'tal is a notation for crystal in electronic circuits.
In the field of electronics, wires can be bifilar or trifilar.
"A coil (enameled wire or formal wire) is placed between each device (stone) of the communication device (both receiver and transmitter), but since the stones handle different types of signals, it acts as an interface or interpreter. The crystal (quartz) controls the accuracy of the frequency handled and contributes to the stability of communication..."
I was told.
I don't know anything about electronics, but Universal Mind Jewelry includes concepts such as "connecting with the universe" and "connecting with the Universal Mind," so the idea of a communication device is very suitable.
I just create the images that come to me through trial and error, but maybe I'm not completely wrong? ! I'm happy...♪
From now on, I can create "communication devices that can send and receive" more consciously and intentionally (laughs)
Ferrite beads...
In electronic circuits, for various reasons, the desired operation can be achieved by winding or passing a line through a magnetic material such as ferrite instead of a coil.
"That technique is implemented as a matter of course in Universal Mind Jewelry! Amazing!!"
I also received a message.
I didn't know it was a substitute for ferrite beads! I'm glad it's not just a decoration, so let's call it that (lol)
It's really interesting♪
The 3S of the receiver...
"They are in a trade-off relationship, so if you make one, you can't make the other... it's a deep relationship. Those who have this hobby suffer from this dilemma and enjoy it."
Yeah, yeah. I kind of get it.
If a human is too sensitive, it seems like it will be a hassle because it will flutter around, and if a stone is too sensitive, it will pop off with a bang.
It's like searching for the best balance. I guess so.
It's interesting that we have empathy and common ground even though we're talking about completely different fields.
It's been very nice and interesting to exchange messages.
Thank you.
Selecting stones...
For some reason, the only phrase that stuck in my mind was "a better stone."
I often use these words, but what is a "better stone"?
A more beautiful stone. A rarer stone. A more expensive stone. A stone with more power...Everyone has their own values.
I'm not a mineralogist or a jeweler, so as a crystal master and spiritual jewelry creator, I'm interested in what these beautiful and unique stones in front of me do, what kind of tool they can be...Can they help someone? That's what interests me.
So I hope to continue selecting stones that seem to have magic and combining them in a way that will make magic happen, and to help bring a smile to the faces of those who wear them.
Mothership and reconnaissance plane...
It was the first time that these keywords had come to mind while making jewelry.
There's nothing you can do about what comes to mind (laughs).
When I say mothership and spy plane, I mean it in the same way, but it's like they're one collective entity, but each has their own individual role to play separately.
Perhaps the Universal Mind is like that too.
When Universal Mind Jewelry arrives at your place, it will spy on and protect you from the inside and outside with love and light.
It will dissolve unnecessary energy, such as old emotions and psychic attacks, with love and protect your own light.
It will also help you bring down the energy and messages you need.
It also acts as a communicator, so it's good at connecting you to something you want.
And everything, everyone is a part of the Mothership, the Universal Mind.
... That's the image that comes to mind.
I've had a lot of "feelings" up until now.
But I'm not good at explaining things, so I wasn't the kind of person who would talk about my "feelings" much, thinking, "It's fine if those who understand understand."
It may still be that way now.
But when I speak my feelings, I often feel something connecting, and I realize the importance of speaking my feelings.
I'd like to continue searching for the best balance.
About Universal Mind...
In 2013, when I was thinking of a name for this new online shop, I named it "Universal Mind."
Even though I named it myself, I'm an unconscious, intuitive type, so it's difficult to explain.
"Cosmic consciousness," "universal consciousness," "free mind"... I think it can be interpreted in many different ways.
I think it has something in common with the universe and the Akashic Records.
When I think about "Universal Mind," I feel that it's important for love to flow at the root.
Whether it's the consciousness that permeates the universe or the information in the Akashic Records, it can't be of any use to others unless you use it consciously and with love.
The words "I am you. You are me" come to mind.
It's like a collective. To put it simply, I feel that love and compassion are connected to the Universal Mind.
Someone once asked me, "Is the Universal Mind an attempt to access the heart from every angle, like a universal joint?"
"Accessing the heart from every angle" sounds cool. I agree. (laughs)
I think that each of the ways you feel is correct.
And I think it's a good name that can be interpreted in many different ways. (laughs)
Some people feel the goddess Isis in some of the Universal Mind jewelry.
The other day, a Quaianto came to our store and during a reading, an Isis card came out. He said that he feels a connection with Isis and loves her, so after the reading, I showed him the jewelry. His heart trembled and tears welled up, and then he quietly talked to Isis through the jewelry.
"Here in this resides the energy of Isis as a guide... This stone here protects it... This is truly Isis... All the good fortune of Isis will be bestowed upon the person who wears this jewelry..." and so on.
You came to get my reading, but in the end it seemed like I was getting a jewelry reading (lol) I'm sorry (lol).
I was interested, happy and enjoyed listening to it, saying "Wow, wow..." Thank you.
I just give shape to what comes to me, but it makes me very happy to be able to feel something in this way.
You are free to feel whatever you want.
Whether it's good or bad, it's something that is being drawn out of you.
So I think it's the truth within you.
I'm looking forward to seeing what else will come to me in the future.
About wirework jewelry...
My original, self-taught wirework is created with the support of angels, readings, and intuition, and is not only beautiful, but has a long track record and fans as spiritual jewelry that can be used as a supportive tool.
I use different wire thicknesses and pay close attention to strength when creating my jewelry, but wire accessories are prone to snagging, are weak to pressure, and can break if subjected to strong force, so please handle with care.
Depending on the type of wire, discoloration and rust may occur over the years of use. Please feel free to contact me for repairs or remakes.
I am grateful for all of our connections.