SV925ペンダントトップ パラサイト・セリコ隕石 Parasite Serico Meteorite

SV925ペンダントトップ パラサイト・セリコ隕石 Parasite Serico Meteorite
ウィッドマンシュテッテンの鉄部分と黄色やグリーンのかんらん石(ペリドット)のバランスが 良いです。レクタングルの形もキリッとしていてユニセックスで使えます。
Size: 17×14×3.5mm
Including Vatican: 24mm
Parasite Serico Meteorite, rectangular SV925 pendant top. There is a good balance between the iron part of Widmanstetten and the yellow and green olivine (peridot). The rectangle shape is sharp and can be used with unisex. A parasite is a rare meteorite that was formed after the formation of the solar system and was destroyed by a collision, and the boundary between its core and mantle was scattered. Iron is formed in the core and olivine (olivine/peridot) is formed in the mantle, and the source is said to be a mixture of both at the boundary. It is an ironstone meteorite, which is an alloy of iron and nickel with scattered olivine, and is called a "parasite." The Widmanstätten and olivine patterns that are characteristic of iron meteorites are varied and worth seeing.
The name "parasite" comes from the Russian scientist P. Pallas who described this type of meteorite in 1772. There are two types of the word parasite in English. "parasite" and "pallasite" Pallasite meteorite is "pallasite". I'm used to hearing the word "parasite" from the movie Parasite, but it doesn't seem to have anything to do with it. Since this parasite was discovered in Serico, Kenya, its official name was Sericho. It is also called sericho. It was discovered in 2016, which is very new, and the total amount is estimated to be 2.8 tons. Among the parasites, there are many specimens that have not undergone much weathering, and the olivine is characterized by its beautiful shine.
ウィッドマンシュテッテンの鉄部分と黄色やグリーンのかんらん石(ペリドット)のバランスが 良いです。レクタングルの形もキリッとしていてユニセックスで使えます。
Size: 17×14×3.5mm
Including Vatican: 24mm
Parasite Serico Meteorite, rectangular SV925 pendant top. There is a good balance between the iron part of Widmanstetten and the yellow and green olivine (peridot). The rectangle shape is sharp and can be used with unisex. A parasite is a rare meteorite that was formed after the formation of the solar system and was destroyed by a collision, and the boundary between its core and mantle was scattered. Iron is formed in the core and olivine (olivine/peridot) is formed in the mantle, and the source is said to be a mixture of both at the boundary. It is an ironstone meteorite, which is an alloy of iron and nickel with scattered olivine, and is called a "parasite." The Widmanstätten and olivine patterns that are characteristic of iron meteorites are varied and worth seeing.
The name "parasite" comes from the Russian scientist P. Pallas who described this type of meteorite in 1772. There are two types of the word parasite in English. "parasite" and "pallasite" Pallasite meteorite is "pallasite". I'm used to hearing the word "parasite" from the movie Parasite, but it doesn't seem to have anything to do with it. Since this parasite was discovered in Serico, Kenya, its official name was Sericho. It is also called sericho. It was discovered in 2016, which is very new, and the total amount is estimated to be 2.8 tons. Among the parasites, there are many specimens that have not undergone much weathering, and the olivine is characterized by its beautiful shine.